Friday, January 4, 2013

High School and IB Student Artwork

Positive & Negative Shape - 2D & 3D Design

Grade 9

Charcoal Drawing - Perspective & Tonal Gradations

Grade 9

Google Earth Non-objective Compositions - A Personal Place

Advanced Placement, Grade 11

Compositions were taken from Google Earth images of a personal place. Memory of place expressed through symbolic representation using color, texture and shape were emphasized. This was a mixed-media assignment using paper mache, modeling paste, sand, acrylic paint, dry pigments and other materials.

Google Earth image of Brisbane Australia, home of this international student

Personal interpretation as non-objective painting   18X22 inches

Non-objective interpretation of Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, a desert environment 18X22 inches

Non-objective interpretation of the Arab Gulf region

Portraiture - Exploring Personal Identity in 2-D & 3-D Media

Point of View Explored in Drawing, Painting & Photography

Grade 11 - IB

Deconstruction & Representation in Assembled Scultpure

IB Grade 12 investigation

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Middle School Artwork

Selected Works, grades 6 - 8

     Grade 6     
Painting in Gouache 
a study in color and composition

Using overlap to create spatial depth

Relief Printing
black ink and water color
repetition used to show movement

Introduction to Charcoal Drawing

Cubist Portraits
ink and color pencil

Art of Early Civilizations
an investigation in discovering and creating materials and tools to produce a narrative  drawing.  Students burned wood for charcoal and found color pigments in nature

Paint brushes made from sticks

          Sumie Painting

Students ground their own inks and used traditional Japanese tools 

 Reach Out
a study in tonal value and human ingenuity

    Grade 8     
various media and artistic styles

Charcoal on half-toned newspaper
text selection adds to the personal narrative

Charcoal on half-toned newspaper

Oil pastel on black paper

Drawing from Observation

Study in tonal values and composition design - positive/negative space

Still life drawing - using overlap and shading to create spatial depth

Notan Design - cut paper

Modern Monas

Figure Sculpture
study in proportion